adventures in haproxy: tcp, tls, https, ssh, openvpn
Published 2015-6-24DRAFT
This document is not complete
This is my current config for this demo, in whole:
HAProxy v1.5 on Ubuntu 12.04 through 15.04 (and beyond?).
sudo apt-get install --yes software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:vbernat/haproxy-1.5
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --yes haproxy
default /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
TODO: this config was taken from 1.4 - oops. Needs to be updated to v1.5 default config
log /dev/log local0
log /dev/log local1 notice
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
user haproxy
group haproxy
log global
mode http
option httplog
option dontlognull
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 50000
timeout server 50000
errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errors/400.http
errorfile 403 /etc/haproxy/errors/403.http
errorfile 408 /etc/haproxy/errors/408.http
errorfile 500 /etc/haproxy/errors/500.http
errorfile 502 /etc/haproxy/errors/502.http
errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503.http
errorfile 504 /etc/haproxy/errors/504.http
A simple HTTPS server
We need a simple HTTPS server that we can test to see that our haproxy config works as expected.
We can install server-https
from npm:
npm install --global serve-https
serve-https -p 1443 -c 'Default Server on port 1443' &
And once it has printed the Listening message we can test that it works
Note that it listens on, which points to localhost,
and we don't need to pass the --insecure
option to curl because the
test certificates bundled with the server are actually valid for
A simple HTTPS passthrough
Add this to the end
frontend foo_ft_https
mode tcp
option tcplog
default_backend foo_bk_https
backend foo_bk_https
mode tcp
option tcplog
server foo_srv_default
Testing simple HTTPS passthrough
Now if we request directly to port 1443 we should get a response directly from serve-https
If we request through port 64443 we will hit haproxy, but it should behave almost as if it had happened to port 1443 directly.
sudo killall haproxy
sudo haproxy -db -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
Note: you must have already started the server on 1443 as mentioned in the previous section.
Note: if you see (35) Unknown SSL protocol error in connection
it's probably because you don't have
the "backend" server running on 1443.
Adding SNI routing
We want to test that we can have multiple HTTPS servers running and that we can switch them based on their Virtual Host, which will be presented as Server Name Indication (SNI) during the TLS (SSL) handshake.
frontend foo_ft_https
mode tcp
option tcplog
tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
tcp-request content accept if { req.ssl_hello_type 1 }
acl foo_app_bar req.ssl_sni -i
acl foo_app_baz req.ssl_sni -i
use_backend foo_bk_bar if foo_app_bar
use_backend foo_bk_baz if foo_app_baz
default_backend foo_bk_default
backend foo_bk_default
mode tcp
option tcplog
server foo_srv_default
backend foo_bk_bar
mode tcp
option tcplog
server foo_srv_bar
backend foo_bk_baz
mode tcp
option tcplog
server foo_srv_baz
serve-https 2443 -c ' Serving on port 2443' &
serve-https 3443 -c ' Serving on port 3443' &
Next we need to alter /etc/hosts
to include our fake domains
(because the 'Host' header has no effect on cURL's handling of SNI).
sudo vim /etc/hosts
: localhost
Now we should be able to make requests.
# this should work just as before
# this should return the message for our 'default' site
curl --insecure
# this should return the message for our 'bar' site
curl --insecure
# this should return the message for our 'baz' site
curl --insecure
Detecting standard SSH
If that worked great for you, let's continue on. Now detect ssh and separate it from the https connections.
We could do this a few ways, but the best is probably to look for the
hard-coded string SSH-2.0
as the first bits of the packet,
which is what the spec requires:
frontend foo_ft_https
mode tcp
option tcplog
tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
tcp-request content accept if { req.ssl_hello_type 1 }
# match the hex version of 'SSH-2.0'
acl foo_proto_ssh payload(1,7) -m bin 5353482d322e30
tcp-request content accept if foo_proto_ssh
acl foo_app_bar req.ssl_sni -i
acl foo_app_baz req.ssl_sni -i
use_backend foo_bk_ssh if foo_proto_ssh
use_backend foo_bk_bar if foo_app_bar
use_backend foo_bk_baz if foo_app_baz
default_backend foo_bk_default
backend foo_bk_ssh
mode tcp
option tcplog
# add a nice, long timeout
# (so that the ssh client doesn't get disconnected every few minutes)
timeout server 2h
server foo_srv_ssh
Alternatively we could just match anything that doesn't send SNI, but that's nowhere near as clean of a solution, IMNSHO.
# Alternative Method (frontend)
# match anything that doesn't send SNI
# (not a great idea)
acl foo_has_sni req.ssl_sni -m found
use_backend ssh if !foo_has_sni
Anyway, now we can test after restarting the server.
# this should return the message for our 'default 1443' site
curl --insecure
# this should return the message for our 'baz 3443' site
curl --insecure
# this should give us an ssh prompt (ctrl+c to cancel)
ssh localhost -p 64443
Potential Problem: If the SSH client you use waits for the server's "connection string" before sending its own (with the SSH-2.0) then it would fallthru to the default backend.
If we use a SSH-over-HTTPS proxy, we can avoid that (more to come in a moment).
See also
Detecting SSH over HTTPS
Okay, now let's say that we want to be super tricky and run ssh over https (and, y'know, defeat that crazy library, school, or corporate firewall 'n' stuff).
If we want to run this in conjuction with our exist haproxy service, we'll actually need to either run a separate instance of haproxy or set up internal proxies in this one.
frontend foo_ft_https
# in the frontend we add another SNI 'vhost'
acl foo_proto_sslh req.ssl_sni -i
use_backend foo_proxy_sslh if foo_proto_sslh
frontend foo_ft_sslh
bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/ accept-proxy
use_backend foo_bk_sslh
backend foo_bk_sslh
mode tcp
option tcplog
#timeout server 2h
server foo_srv_ssl
backend foo_proxy_sslh
mode tcp
option tcplog
#timeout server 2h
server foo_srv_sslh send-proxy
Believe it or not, this actually works!
We can test it with openssl s_client
openssl s_client \
-quiet \
-connect \
-servername \
-CAfile /etc/haproxy/certs/ca/my-root-ca.crt.pem
The two perhaps non-obvious things are
sets SNI-CAfile
is where you specify your self-signed Root CA
Note: You cannot serve a self-signed cert directly. A self-signed cert is considered a "Root Certificate Authority" and is not allowed to be used as a certificate. You may use the Root CA that you create to sign another certificate, however, and this is valid.
TODO: make testing certificates available and link to other article
Now we can test with actual ssh.
ProxyCommand openssl s_client -quiet -connect -servername -CAfile /etc/haproxy/certs/ca/my-root-ca.crt.pem
On Windows you need to follow these insructions:
If your domain has a valid certificate that is already listed in your operating system's certificate chain,
you can exclude -CAfile
, otherwise you'll need to find the Root CA chain from your SSL issuer's website
and create a PEM bundle for openssl to use.
I've found that most of the certificates I've bought this past year from work perfectly fine in every browser, but they haven't yet made it in with the system updates to OS X's Yosemite's system chain.
Adding OpenVPN to the mix
There are two easy ways to acheive connectian OpenVPN. There are several medium to hard ways.
Easiest: Don't use haproxy. Run OpenVPN on udp 1194. Or, if you want to get past a firewall that is tricky but not that tricky, use udp 53 (normally DNS).
Easy: Use OpenVPN over SSH
ProxyCommand openssl s_client -quiet -connect -servername -CAfile /etc/haproxy/certs/ca/my-root-ca.crt.pem
DynamicForward 1080
That sounds a bit crazy because you'd now have 3 layers of encryption, but you can also run OpenVPN listening only to localhost, with encryption turned off.
You would need to use the socks
option with OpenSSL
Fairy Easy:
I haven't tested this yet, but I just realized that socat
may be able to do the work of found out that
socat TCP-LISTEN:61194,verify=0
# or
socat stdio,cert=$HOME/etc/client.pem,cafile=$HOME/etc/server.crt
See OpenSSL Client at
The ovpn config would change to connect to localhost tcp 61194.
If that's correct, this would be a better solution than the SSH SOCKS proxy.
Not Hard: Use OpenVPN with SNI
I haven't tested this yet, but it looks like the tls-remote
option allows you
to specify which certificate you would like to request - using servername indication
(SNI), I would assume.
This is equivalent to what we did with SSH over HTTPS, except that OpenVPN is not actually running over HTTPS. It's running over it's own custom form of TLS.
More Difficult: stunnel and company
There are a number of tools to allow you to tunnel OpenVPN through https, but unlike
SSH, there's no simple line of openssl s_client
to throw into your ovpn or tunnelblick
config file.
This post is not finished, but what I have so far works.
Where to turn for help
Well... I am available for hire, but you can also try the well-kept secret of haproxy's mailing list:
mailing list
To subscribe: send an empty message to
Note: you will not get a confirmation
You can immediately begin to post to
It will immediately show up in the archives at
You can stop receiving list messages by sending an empty email to
haproxy tag on stackoverflow
Errors and Such
it sometimes works
s default behavior is to run as a daemon with SO_REUSEADDR
If you were playing around and at some point started a server that you didn't kill
(very easy to do by mistake), you will have incredibly random results.
sudo killall haproxy
In fact I'd reccommend trying this:
sudo killall haproxy
sudo rm -f /var/log/haproxy*
sudo service rsyslog restart
sleep 0.3
echo Starting HAProxy
sudo haproxy -db -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
Or, if you prefer the one-liner
sudo bash -c "killall haproxy; rm -f /var/log/haproxy*; service rsyslog restart; sleep 0.3; echo Starting HAProxy; haproxy -db -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
it never works in curl
You're on OS X and you have that version of curl that doesn't send SNI - but only when the --insecure
option is used.
See Create your own certificate authority (for testing).
(35) Unknown SSL protocol error in connection
Did you start a server on the port that you're using as a backend? If haproxy is listening on 64443, you're forwarding to 1443, but nothing is listeneng, you'll get this error.
error detected while parsing
error detected while parsing
- you're using an old version of haproxy.
Double check haproxy --help
and upgrade to 1.5 or later.
Also, there's also the off chance that you mistyped something.
connection reset or empty reply
If you see any of these, know that they all pretty much translate to "you forgot to put the 'https://' in front".
The connection was reset
(52) Empty reply from server
the server unexpectedly dropped the connection
Chrome will sometimes actually try for https even when you forget to put it in front, but it's quite common for Firefox, Safari, and cURL to assume the insecure protocol when you don't specify.
sendto logger #1 failed
Right after installing haproxy I would always get this error when I ran it:
[ALERT] 182/212643 (27154) : sendto logger #1 failed: No such file or directory (errno=2)
First try restarting the log daemon and then restarting haproxy.
sudo service rsyslog restart
sudo killall haproxy
sudo haproxy -db -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
If you still get the error you might have to adjust the default settings.
TODO: I should extrapolate this blog
- (towards the middle and bottom)
Take a look at the posts above and check on and or edit these files accordingly
By AJ ONeal
Did I make your day?

(you can learn about the bigger picture I'm working towards on my patreon page )