Export DNS records from name.com with jQuery
Published 2015-2-12name.com doesn't have an easy-to-access API, but at least their HTML is decently well structured enough that I could get my data using a sprinkling of jQuery:
var domains = [];
$('.main-table tr').each(function (i, tr) {
var $tds = $(tr).find('td');
var domain = {};
if (8 !== $tds.length) {
domain.type = $($tds[1]).text();
domain.host = $($tds[2]).text();
domain.answer = $($tds[3]).text();
domain.ttl = $($tds[4]).text();
domain.priority = $($tds[5]).text();
domain.created = $($tds[6]).text();
JSON.stringify(domains, null, ' ');
Here's what you do
You go to https://www.name.com/account/domain/details/#dns.
For example, mine is https://www.name.com/account/domain/details/coolaj86.com#dns
If you haven't been signed in, you'll be prompted for your credentials.
Now open the Chrome JavaScript Console
(Menu Button) => More tools => JavaScript Console
Then paste the entirely of the script above and hit enter.
Viola, your DNS records as JSON!
By AJ ONeal
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