Golang + Postgres + sqlc: could not determine data type
Published 2022-1-13sql/queries/foobar.sql:1:1: could not determine data type of parameter $1
My problem was two-fold:
- I was getting generated names such as
, etc where I wanted proper names. - I used
to get around this, but forgot to re-enumerate the position parameters from $1.
From this perspective, the error message is a bit of a red herring. It's not that the type of parameter $1
is wrong, it's that parameter $1
doesn't exist - period.
The Problem
My original SQL included a type specifier (::ULID
) so that the string would be properly cast into a CHAR(26)
-- name: CreateRecord :one
INSERT INTO record (
That type specifier was causing the generated Go struct to have the name Column1
rather than ID
type CreateRecordParams struct {
Column1 interface{} `json:"column_1"`
Data pgtype.JSONB `json:"data"`
CreatedBy string `json:"submitted_by"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"submitted_at"`
The Second Problem
You can use sqlc.arg(my_column_name)
to force the name of a column, like so:
-- name: CreateRecord :one
INSERT INTO record (
$2, -- Ooops! Forgot to change to $1, $2, $3...
In my case I forgot to renumber the parameters, hence the error:
sql/queries/foobar.sql:1:1: could not determine data type of parameter $1
The Solution
Use sqlc.arg(my_column_name)
and renumber the params:
-- name: CreateRecord :one
INSERT INTO record (
By AJ ONeal
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