The how and why of auto-executing functions (in JavaScript)
Published 2013-2-8Watch on YouTube:
Call them what you will - auto-executing functions, Immediately Invoked Function Expressions, IIFE, auto anonymous functions, weird-looking function magic - but no matter what you call them they're still confusing.
Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs) are the weird function wrappers at the head and tail of JavaScript files such as this one:
(function () {
"use strict";
console.log("Hello World!");
I'm going to break this down to explain both the how and the why, but you'll have to forgive me because I can't do it in anything less than 5 minutes.
Note: If you want to follow along -
and I highly recommend that you do -
you should be using Google Chrome and open Chrome's
JavaScript Developer Console from the menu icon in the upper-right-hand
corner and select Tools
and then JavaScript Console
In the window that pops up you should be on the Console
You may see some messages already in the Console.
If so, hit the button that looks like an O with a strike through
(the symbol you would commonly associate with do not, no smoking,
or perhaps unavailable) - that's actually the clear();
Oh, and... yeah, you could have just typed clear();.
Let's start with HOW they work
Here are the major points
- literals
- expressions
- logic (math)
a literal function
Let's consider a very basic literal function and its invocation:
function answer() {
Copy and paste that into Chrome's developer console.
(P.S. if you wanted to type it out you would hold the <shift>
and then press <enter>
key to create lines without running them
You should see that the output is 42
a numeric expression
I'll switch gears for a moment to demonstrate what an expression is.
Copy and paste each of the following into the console and run them
(by hitting
A number literal
42; // 42
A number expression
(42); // 42
An assignment (in which the right side becomes an expression)
var answer = 42; // 42
And now (going in reverse order) try running these:
answer.toString(); // "42"
And then
(42).toString(); // "42"
And lastly
42.toString(); // SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
Oh noes! My world is shattered! I don't know what's true anymore!!! (you're feeling that way, too, right?)
As it turns out there are cases where literals and expressions behave the exact same way, but also cases where they do not.
And assignment causes a literal to evaluate as an expression, just as enclosing parens () do.
(hint: both function and Number literals are in the same category).
Discrete Mathematics
Remember back in algebra when they told you that
2x + 2y = 2z
is the same evaluation as
2 (x + y) = 2z
because you can factor out a 2
And remember how you can get
x + y = z
when dividing both sides by 2?
Well, sorry to bring back those high school memories darling, but it's the same principle here (except you don't get to ditch the parens)!
With this program, for example:
function say() {
console.log("Hello World!");
We can factor out say
and get:
function () {
console.log("Hello World");
And although you must keep the parens (think back to the example of 42.toString()), you can ditch the spaces:
(function () {
console.log("Hello World!");
But wait! There's more: No proper IIFE is complete without "use strict";
(function () {
"use strict";
console.log("Hello World!");
To the careful observers, do you notice something I did that isn't just removing spaces?
If you didn't here's a hint (pretend we did u substitution on the
function... where the u is an non-printing character): (())
vs ()()
Yeah, I shifted the paren to the outside. Now how that works... I have no idea, but I do believe that it's more aesthetic and so that's how I write my code. I won't argue if you feel differently.
The kind of evil people that punch babies
Lastly, out in the wild you will certainly find all manner of terrible hacks. Things that look like:
!function(){console.log("I'm a selfish hipster. I do what I want.")}()
+function(){console.log("My life goal is to confuse people!")}()
and maybe even
this,function(){console.log("I'm a moron... and I HATE people")}()
but probably not
null&function(){console.log("I sort all my B-trees with bogosort!")}()
Please, THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! and don't be such a dolt if you grow up.
And now I make a movement as to WHY
JavaScript only has function scope. It doesn't have file scope (although NodeJS adds that) or block scope (if, for, while, switch, etc).
The purpose of IIFE is to give scope to a file or block.
And of course, you really can't talk about IIFEs without
talking about "use strict;"
The two go together like love and marriage
(strikingly similar analogy, actually).
The use of IIFEs fall into two main categories:
- a commitment to quality reusable code (file-level, with use strict)
- a fleeting sense of excitment (for having done something out of order)
A Commitment to Quality
The whole purpose of an IIFE is to prevent you from making accidental mistakes.
For the simplest of demonstration of the problem, try running this in the console:
var a = 5
, a = 6
a = 7;
var a = 8;
You would perhaps expect that an error would be throw to the effect of
QuadrupleDeclarationError: What are you crazy!? You just defined 'a' 4 times!!
but no such luck in JavaScript...
I can hear you saying Now AJ, that's just silly. I mean, really! Who does that? and my response is of course You!. I mean, who's more likely to use a similar naming convention for functions and variables to you than yourself?
Here's a more practical example:
Let's say we have two JavaScript files and they both the
function init
to perform some action.
function init() {
fresh = true;
arrR = [];
function pushObscenity(obscenity) {
fresh = false;
// them smurfs are trixy... don't even try to understand their
// parseInt-ing and bitshifting (>>) and bitwise operations (& | ~)
function init() {
fresh = true;
// red starts at bit 15 and ends at 11
redMask = parseInt("1111100000000000", 2);
// green starts at bit 10 and ends at 5
greenMask = parseInt("0000011111100000", 2);
// blue starts at bit 4 and ends at 0
blueMask = parseInt("0000000000011111", 2);
rgb = ((032 << 11) & redMask)
+ ((128 << 5) & greenMask)
+ ((007 << 0) & blueMask)
function addBlue() {
b = (rgb & blueMask) >> 0;
if (fresh) {
b += 100;
fresh = false;
} else {
b += 1;
rgb = (rgb & ~blueMask) | b;
There are so many problems in that example that it blows my mind! - and none of them are logical errors (I promise that is a valid way to add blue to a 16-bit rgb value - trust me, I've done it)
- they're all due to JavaScript's confused nature!
The most immediate problem is that init
is overwritten.
Go ahead and copy all of both files in the Console and see for yourself.
When the first file loads, init
will be created.
As the second loads, it will be overwritten.
Realistically, you might not notice because there's a good chance that
the first init
is executed before the next loads... unless it's an
init that only runs after the DOM is ready.
Most realistically, it's difficult to predict what will happen or when or why. Inconsistent behavior is bad behavior (and not the good kind, if you know what I mean).
Let's say we wrap our friends in IIFEs:
(function () {
// pretend the stuff from above were here
(function () {
// same deal, a lot of pretending
Now the init
functions are scoped to the IIFE.
We can keep them both.
But without "use strict";
, we're still in grave peril.
Because we forgot to declare fresh
with var fresh;
it jumps out of scope and gets in bed with global.
Also, what looks like a harmless decimal representation of 032
with a leading 0 for the sake of readability is actually octal
(base 8 instead of base 10)!
And so is 007
, but not even your tests would be able to tell!
With "use strict";
errors are thrown if
- a variable is not declared before use (no accidental globals)
- there's ambiguity as to whether you mean decimal or octal
- any many many other inconsistencies that cause illogical errors
Fleeting Pleasure
The other uses of IIFEs are mostly hacks that are used out of ignorance, negligience, or misinformation (though there are rare legitimate uses).
Sometimes you're tempted to put a function where it doesn't belong - like in a loop.
For example, many a time people try to do something like this (except that instead of a setTimeout there would be some sort of web request or DOM manipulation):
var i
for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 4);
And when that doesn't work (because it prints 10 ten times) they find some crazy example online that tells them to do this nonsense:
var i
for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
(function (index) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 4);
Which technically works and is cute and all, but... no, actually it's not even cute. It just looks like a confusing mess.
The only reason that that even works at all is because there's magic going on behind the scenes that hoists the anonymous function up to the top (just like with variables) and then calls that function reference.
So skip the confusion, and just do this instead:
function thinkBeforeSpeaking(index) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 4);
// 4 ms isn't a lot, but it's more than I usually take
var i
for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
Although I'm not as big on thinking before speaking (you might stiffle a lot of good creativity or necessary criticism that way), I am big on writing code that makes sense and is error-free whenever possible.
JavaScript shouldn't be your first language. Go learn python, then hop on rails, and come back once you can easily tell good ideas from bad ones.
(or, if you must JavaScript, at the very least have a tutor and or pair program)
By AJ ONeal
Did I make your day?

(you can learn about the bigger picture I'm working towards on my patreon page )