Watch on YouTube:

I don't have much here in the way of written explanation, but it's explained pretty clearly in the video.

Also, you can check out @iammerrick's article on JavaScript Dependency Injection.


// Just an Ordinary Function
function say(what, to, from) {
  console.log("Hey", to + "!"
    , what + '!'
    , '-' + from);

// Black Magic Explained

var argnames
  , moduleMap
  , args = []
  , newFn

// Get the names of the arguments the function wants
// errata: in the video I had the regex slightly off
argnames = say.toString()
  .replace(/\n/g, ' ')
  .replace(/[^\(]+\(([^\)]*)\).*/g, '$1')

// Create a hashmap of possible argument names
moduleMap = 
  { to: "Bob"
  , what: "Yo, wut up!?"
  , from: "Alice"
  , stranger: "Danger"

// Build the arguments to be passed from
// the hashmap, using the names as keys
argnames.forEach(function (argname) {

// Use 'apply' to pass in the array as the 3 args
say.apply(null, args);

// If you wanted to do this on your own libraries you 
// would need a build step that rewrote the file with
// literal string values before minification
// (and then use the keynames from the array instead)
newFn = '['
  + (argname) {
      return '"' + argname + '"';
    }).join(', ') + ', '
    + say.toString()
    + ']';


By AJ ONeal

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