How to Show Your Appreciation
Published 2013-2-11Watch on YouTube:
On YouTube: Let me know I did a good job. Click the Thumbs Up icon just below the video.
On my blog: Every article has a Like, Tweet, and +1. Give me some love. If there's a YouTube video, go there and give me thumbs up.
On your blog: Feel free to use excerpts from my articles (or rewrite the whole thing in your own words), just link back to me as a reference.
A little thanks goes a long way. Share to show you care!
I've often found that when I make known what I want, I get it so much more often. If you're looking to increase links and likes to your content, try the same. It'll probably work out well for you too.
By AJ ONeal
It's really motivating to know that people like you are benefiting
from what I'm doing and want more of it. :)
Did I make your day?

(you can learn about the bigger picture I'm working towards on my patreon page )