MediaTags specifications clarification
Published 2010-11-30This was converted from e-mail / html to markdown with
Speed, Completeness, and Identification are the three most important qualities of this application.
- The end product is "MediaBox", a small 600MHz OMAP3530
which will use MediaTags on 30,000+ files.
- It should be possible to represent every meta-data tag present in the file.
- It should be able to read tags in an unabstracted manner
pure binary tags, such as Album Art, may also be extracted as JSON
- --extract-binary-tags=bas64 -- included in JSON
Ex: "@art": "Az48tks9cC...."
* --extract-binary-tags-to=path/to/attachments-dir -- placed into the
folder and referenced in JSON
Ex: "@art": "./path/to/attachments-dir/my song.m4a.@art.jpeg"
* Binary tag extraction will usually be a post-processing feature and
should be off by default
- Both stream and media metadata shoud be present, but separate.
Identification - Checksums of the "stream" part of a file
Each tag application should be able to produce a checksum of the stream (data) portion of a file
The checksum should not be of the file as a whole
The checksum should not include the tags
The checksum is probably from the byte offset of the last header tag to the end of the file or first header tag
TagLib - Let's use taglib if
taglib allows raw access to tags (I believe it does)
taglib can generate the same detail of information as AtomicParsley
Mutagen - Probably not a good fit
mutagen is significantly slower than taglib ?
mutagen does not allow access to all tags, just abstracted normalized ones ?
Libexiv2 - yes
Exiftool - probably not a good fit
Is it fast? if not, no
does it allow access to all tags? or does it abstract them?
Type Detection - GNU file
is too slow!
my tests show that
file ./my-song.m4a
takes more time thanAtomicParsely -t ./my-song.m4a
- detecting the file type should not take more time than parsing the file!
type detection should be very very simple
if the file has an extension, use the extension to determine the type
- if it doesn't match a known type, ignore it
if the file doesn't have an extension (very rare), try matching the first few bytes of the header
- it's okay to use
for rare cases - little time will be wasted in comparison.
- it's okay to use
fail with error if the file cannot be parsed as expected
some media types can have multiple types of tags (id3, m4a, musepak, oggtag?, etc?)
- try the most likely first (mp3 -> id3)
some media types can have embedded tags
mp3 -> album art -> jpeg -> exif
only parse the intended type
don't parse exif data from an mp3
What does Unix Filter Class mean?
While I was waiting my friend created prototypes for outputting mp3 and m4a media metadata which I am using for now.
The most important thing that I need right now is to be able to checksum the data stream.
It's okay to rearrange some of the other things if it's better for your workers' workflow,
but I would like the checksum-ing ability first.
Once the --literal-tags is done I'll know better what the --normalized-tags should look like
- Stream (not file) checksums --
{ "stream": { "sha256sum": "ae68f......" } }
- jpegtags --without-metadata --with-sha256sum ./my-file.jpeg
- mp3tags --without-metadata --with-sha256sum ./my-file.mp3
- aactags --without-metadata --with-sha256sum ./my-file.m4a
- JPEG Media metadata --literal-tags
- exivtags ./my-file.jpeg
- xmptags ./my-file.jpeg
- iptctags ./my-file.jpeg
- Stream metadata
- jpegtags
- aactags
- mp3tags
- Media --literal-tags
- m4atags
- id3tags
- Media --verbose-tags
- m4atags
- id3tags
- exivtags
- xmptags
- iptctags
- eBook/pdf tags
- more information about what information is stored and can be extracted is needed
Before --normalized-tags I first want to see the outputs of the stream and meta-data --literal-tags
I've pushed --binary-tags to be a future consideration
General Clarifications
Meta-data organization
I want to make it clear that there are three types of meta data that I am particularly interested in.
Media (tag) metadata
The tags that universally describe a particular piece of artwork / media
Music (id3, m4a): artist, album, track number, rating
Images (exif, ipic, xmp): geo location, keywords, aspect ratio, date/time taken, visual similarity metrics
Documents (proprietary): author, title / subject, keywords, text body
Stream (data) metadata
The tags that describe a specific stream of media, but not the artwork / media itself
Music (aac, mp3): md5sum, stream type (aac, mp3), quality, bitrate
Images (jpeg): md5sum, stream type, quality, width, height, color depth
Documents (odxml, msxml, pdf): md5sum, stream type (xml, ms-binary), word count, page count
File (data + tag) metadata - not necessary to analyze at this time
Tags that describe a set of bytes on disk
All Types: md5sum, access time, modified time, size, inode count
I have an mp3 and an m4a of the same song.
The media metadata will be almost exactly the same
- the exception is that some of tag formats support more options than others
* The stream metadata will almost always be different
* an exception may be that the bitrates are the same
* The file metadata will be almost always be different
Many of the files to be processed will contain Chinese, Japenese and other international characters
UTF-8 should be used, not ASCII alone.
UTF-16 may also be used.
--pretty-print should output with pretty whitespacing -- somewhat like JSON.stringify(object, null, "\t")
**The most important parts of the organization are this
- The library should be modular, I prefer small bits of code that each do one thing well
- It should be easy to build just one feature of the application or incorporate it in another application
mediatags /my-song.mp3 --with-stream-tags --with-md5sum gives the combined result of
id3tags /my-song.mp3
mp3tags --with-md5sum /my-song.mp3
- m4atags /my-song.mp3 returns { "error": "no m4a tags found" }
aactags /my-song.mp3 returns { "error": "no aac stream found" }
In the future I would like to create a MediaTags plugin for Node.JS
A possible organization
mediatags - single binary that handles any type of file
id3tags ---> mediatags (symlink)
m4atags --> mediatags (symlink)
Each lib has a method such as getMediaTags(), getStreamTags()
**Future Considerations
Ideas to consider, but not to implement yet.
Binary Tags
- perhaps Google Protobuf?
**Streaming Input
- Accept data in chunks over a socket ?
By AJ ONeal
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