No, REALLY Remove Replicated
Published 2019-8-7Die Replicated! Die!
In the "cloud-first" world, we often treat everything as throw-away (because it is), but sometimes it's just a lot easier to run a few commands to purge an install to get back to a clean state than it is to blow away a whole VPS and start over (or reinstall a server from scratch - ick!)
First, Really Remove Docker
Replicated is very sticky. If you want to get back to a clean state, first you need to run some mad Docker foo.
Since this would be dangerous if you're also running other docker services and I don't want to re-type all my warnings and explanations (because I don't know how to copy and paste, of course), I'll just link to the article where I covered that:
It's the nuclear option, but it'll twist the arm of your Replicated instances and make them obey (whereas otherwise they may keep respawning).
Finally, Really Remove Replicated
Actually, I don't even remember where I found this, but it was in a script file on a machine that had a Replicated install, and when I ran it and rebooted I was able to re-install fresh.
set -x
service replicated stop
service replicated-ui stop
service replicated-operator stop
docker stop replicated-premkit
docker stop replicated-statsd
docker rm -f replicated replicated-ui replicated-operator replicated-premkit replicated-statsd retraced-api retraced-processor retraced-cron retraced-nsqd retraced-postgres
docker images | grep "quay\.io/replicated" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs sudo docker rmi -f
docker images | grep "registry\.replicated\.com/library/retraced" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs sudo docker rmi -f
apt-get remove -y replicated replicated-ui replicated-operator
apt-get purge -y replicated replicated-ui replicated-operator
rm -rf /var/lib/replicated* /etc/replicated* /etc/init/replicated* /etc/init.d/replicated* /etc/default/replicated* /var/log/upstart/replicated* /etc/systemd/system/replicated*
And you'll need to run it with sudo
(or otherwise as root
) to make the magic happen:
sudo bash
After that, your Replicated install should be completely purged.
Don't forget to reboot!
Just a spoon full of reboot helps the old services go down... in the most delightful way!
I don't know 100% whether or not it matters, but I come from the old school days where if something on your machine is sticking around, you delete it, reboot, and delete it again! (just to be safe)
Anyway, I feel a lot better after a reboot, and things worked for me, and so I advise you to do the same.
sudo shutdown -r now
P.S. Just keep in mind that on an ephemeral instance, such as Amazon AWS EC2, a reboot is essentially the same and starting over from scratch anyway - disk changes are only persisted on mounted volumes.
By AJ ONeal
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(you can learn about the bigger picture I'm working towards on my patreon page )