Resources for Getting Started with AngularJS
Published 2015-2-4Pre-Requisites
Before you can really get started developing angular you need either to get a Mac!!! or learn how to use a VPS!!!. You'll need at least some (and perhaps all) of the following:
- git
- brew (or apt-get)
- wget
- curl
- io.js (or node.js)
- jshint
- bower
- yo
- SublimeText2 (with SublimeLinter)
- vim (with pathogen and syntastic)
Here are some resources for those:
- Getting Started with Digital Ocean +Screencast
- Installing Ubuntu on Windows +Screencast
- Securing your VPS +Screencast
- Easy node.js install script (installs node.js + deps for OS X and Ubuntu) + Screencast
- Easy io.js install script (installs io.js + deps for OS X and Ubuntu) + Screencast
- JSHint (also shows install) +Screencast
- vim for people who don't want to learn vim +Screencast
Learning Angular
Once you've got node installed and you've figured out whether your a SublimeText guy or a vim guy, then it's time to move forward.
Angular Phonecat
- Angular Phonecat - undoubtably out-of-date, but still very useful start here
All sorts of goodies
- angular-seed +Handson
- yeoman angular codelab +Handson
- +Screencasts
- PluralSight +Screencasts
- Adventures in Angular +Podcasts
- JavaScript Jabber +Podcasts
- yeoman generator angular docs
- OAuth2 (Facebook Connect) + AngularJS +Screencast
By AJ ONeal
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