[Edit Dec 16th 2011] Take your pick:

    brew install ssh-copy-id


    sudo port install openssh +ssh_copy_id

    wget http://blog.christopherpitzer.com/wp-content/uploads/ssh-copy-id \
      -O /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id
    sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id

Supposedly if you install macports for Snow Leopard, Leopard, or Tiger and then modify your PATH then you can get the "real" version of OpenSSH like so:
sudo port install openssh
# to start sshd (the server) on boot:
# sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.OpenSSH.plist

But as far as I can tell, this doesn't actually include ssh-copy-id either.

OSX don't ship with wget ;)

`ssh-copy-id` is in the `contrib/` directory of the OpenSSH project:


With homebrew, `brew install ssh-open-id` will get it for you, too.

MacPorts has a variant that will install ssh-copy-id:

sudo port install openssh +ssh_copy_id

That should do it.

macports? what a throwback to the 00's

It's all about Homebrew, baby!

I think @Araxia might have meant:

'brew install ssh-copy-id'

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