'Un-eject' Macbook SD Cards (Nifty!)
Published 2020-1-16If you ever got one of those SD card "expansion" drives - the "Nifty" MiniDrive (Kickstarter), the BaseQi NinjaDrive, Transcend's JetDrive Lite, etc - they're meant to be a semi-permanent expansion to the bulit-in low-capacity SSD Macbooks. And they're really, well, nifty. And convenient.
It's 2020, so a little late to the game, but they can breath new life into an older Macbook with an SSD
Anyway, the whole point is kinda that you put it in and you don't take it back out... maybe ever. And since they're custom-fit, they don't come out easily. You need a tool to do so.
They look great, but that becomes a problem when you accidentally eject them (or they get automatically ejected for sleep mode or some such).
Fortunately, Terminal to the rescue!!
sudo kextunload -b com.apple.driver.AppleSDXC
sudo kextload -b com.apple.driver.AppleSDXC
That will "un-eject" the SD card from the built-in slot so that you can mount it again without pulling it out and reinserting.
By AJ ONeal
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